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"...a little muscle, a little more guts, and a lot of love to create one-of-a-kind, studio furniture pieces."



It is often said that one must leave home in order to find oneself. And so it was for Matthew Soule, founder of SouleWork, Artisan Furniture. Founded on the West coast in 2011, SouleWork began as an outlet of creativity, expression, and a longing to connect with Matthew’s ancestral vocation. Through a process in higher education, Matthew rediscovered and reclaimed his artisan heritage.


Beginning solely with hand tools, Matthew slowly found commissions from friends and family, growing his capabilities and scope of his work, before returning home to New England, where he now resides with his wife and two children. The passion that began this journey still burns and is expressed through SouleWork’s innovative ideas, expert craftsmanship, and an experimental approach to design. 

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